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Lukáš Zeman

executive, designer and photographer

+420 773 454 773,

Lukáš is not only the head of the entire company, but also oversees individual projects and often puts his hand to the graphic work. In 2018, he won the prestigious Czech Press Photo photography competition, not only in the Nature category, but also in general.


Simona Andrejsová

obchodní oddělení

Simona je zkušená a milá obchodní manažerka s vynikajícími projektovými schopnostmi. Její dlouholeté zkušenosti v oblasti obchodu ji umožňují úspěšně koordinovat projekty, řídit týmy a dosahovat vynikajících výsledků. 


Sarka Dernerova


+420 608 464 545,

Sarka is a business and the administrative heart of society as a whole. She will probably be the first one you meet and you will continue to act. At the same time, she is in charge of running the Foto studio
with a smile.


Karolina Imrichova


Karolína has a degree in graphic design and so she works in our position as a graphic designer and photographer in the studio.

Tomáš Nováček

Tomáš Nováček


Tomáš is a programmer focusing on the Wordpress system and his main activity is the programming and maintenance of these websites.


Kristýna Plešková

production publishing

Kristýna is a production publisher of Books with a smile and coordinates the publishing of books and distribution and administration.

Jakub Škaryd

Jakub Škaryd

senior programmer

Jakub is a senior programmer who takes care of specific web projects focusing on the development, deployment and maintenance of CMS.


Johana Jelínková


Johana má vystudovaný grafický design a tak se u nás realizuje
na pozici grafičky a zapojuje
se do všech našich projektů. Od léta 2022 pro nás pracuje externě.

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